I got a email today from The Impossible Project, that's the shop wher I bought my Holga Polaroid camera, where I told earlier about. They got a new beauty in there online store. The Polaroid 484. And like I said in the title of this post it can take 4 shots in 1. How cool is that!
Here is the info that was in the email:
If you have the impression to see an object in your visual field more than once, you are either drunk, in love or looking at a picture taken with the magic Polaroid 484 camera! We are happy to release a limited and expertly modified stock of this legendary Polaroid portrait camera - converted by hand for use with type 100 instead of the original type 80 film.
Dive into a new artistic field of analog instant photography with this stylish and old style portrait Polaroid 484 camera. The camera features different shutter-lense settings which allow for a unique, 4 in 1 Polaroid masterpieces. You decide whether you fill each Polaroid with 4 identical pictures, with 2 pairs of identical pictures (using the included twin-lenscap) or if you decide to take 4 independent pictures per Polaroid with the special single-lens-shutter setting.
The flash can be adjusted manually. Please note that the camera flash works with four regular AA batteries and that the camera's lenses do only have one focus level.
Orginally this camera works with type 80 film - having become unavailable, we carefully converted the camera with a back into a camera that uses all type 100 packfilms.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Harper Smith
These are pictures from the Diary series of Harper Smith taken with his 35mm & Polaroid. Again love the vagueness and the unclarity of these images.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Carrie Diaries by Candace Bushnell
I'm almost finished reading The Carrie Diaries. Almost every time when I come to the end of a book I have a little hesitation in finishing it. So now isn't any different, so I thought this would be a good moment to post a blog about this book.
Like a lot of girls/women I saw the Sex and the City series and movies. So when I heard of this book about the last high school year of Carrie I really got curious and bought it.
It isn't your standard chicklit if you ask me. At least that's not how interpreted it. I really see it as a diary written by a girl who wants to become a writer and tells about her life as a senior on high school. A book full of life experiences. But you really have to see this book apart from the Sex and the City character if you ask me to really enjoy it like that.
Here is the story from the back of the book:
Before Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw was a small-town girl who knew she wanted more. She's ready for real life to start, but first she must navigate her senior year of high school. Up until now, Carrie and her friends have been inseparable. Then Sebastian Kydd comes into the picture, and a friend's betrayal makes her question everything.
With an unforgettable cast of characters, The Carrie Diaries is the story of how a regular girl learns to think for herself, and evolves into a sharp, insightful writer. Readers will learn about her family background, how she found her writing voice, and the indelible impression her early friendships and relationships left on her. Through adventures both audacious and poignant, we'll see what brings Carrie to her beloved New York City, where her new life begins.
Like a lot of girls/women I saw the Sex and the City series and movies. So when I heard of this book about the last high school year of Carrie I really got curious and bought it.
It isn't your standard chicklit if you ask me. At least that's not how interpreted it. I really see it as a diary written by a girl who wants to become a writer and tells about her life as a senior on high school. A book full of life experiences. But you really have to see this book apart from the Sex and the City character if you ask me to really enjoy it like that.
Here is the story from the back of the book:
Before Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw was a small-town girl who knew she wanted more. She's ready for real life to start, but first she must navigate her senior year of high school. Up until now, Carrie and her friends have been inseparable. Then Sebastian Kydd comes into the picture, and a friend's betrayal makes her question everything.
With an unforgettable cast of characters, The Carrie Diaries is the story of how a regular girl learns to think for herself, and evolves into a sharp, insightful writer. Readers will learn about her family background, how she found her writing voice, and the indelible impression her early friendships and relationships left on her. Through adventures both audacious and poignant, we'll see what brings Carrie to her beloved New York City, where her new life begins.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Alexandra Carr
I really like the absentmindedness of these pictures. The models are just doing there thing and not really there to take a photo. I like that careless feeling this photos have. Visit Alexandra Carr's website to see more of her work
Monday, January 17, 2011
Rianne Wieman
Last week Rianne showed me this photo she took. And it's been in my mind ever since. It's such an aaah "what a good feeling I get from this" photo. I felt/feel very inspired by it. And it makes me wanna work on my photography skills as much as it is possible for me now. Thanks hon for sharing this photo with me!
Rianne has a blog as well which can be found here and her own website where you can see more of her work and find her contact information.
Rianne has a blog as well which can be found here and her own website where you can see more of her work and find her contact information.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Freckles by Patricia Reyes
I wish I had this photo in my portfolio! The strength in and of her face, full with this beautiful freckles. Just a image which you have to look at, she makes you, to look at her! The picture is made by Patricia Reyes.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Hopeless Lingerie
I saw this pictures of the Hopeless Lingerie label and it isn't that I find their lingerie all that. But the photos I think are amazingly suitable for the lingerie they want to sell and the story they want to tell.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Haar naam was Sarah/ Sarah's key by Tatiana de Rosnay
This amazing book by Tatiana de Rosnay got my attention because of the movie that came out. And I wanted to read the book first, so I did. And now I want to see the movie!
For the Dutchies the backside of the book:
De tienjarige Sarah wordt samen met haar ouders opgepakt en naar het wielerstadion in Parijs gebracht, waarvandaan duizenden joden worden gedeporteerd. Niemand heeft echter gezien dat Sarah haar kleine broertje Michel in een kledingkast opsloot, net voordat de politie het appartement binnendrong, en de sleutel bij zich stak. Zestig jaar later krijgt Julia Jarmond, een Amerikaanse journaliste in Parijs, de opdracht een artikel te schrijven over deze razzia. Ze gaat op zoek in de archieven en via het dossier van Sarah ontdekt zij het goed verborgen geheim van haar schoonfamilie.
For my International followers a summary I got from bol.com:
Paris, July 1942: Sarah, a ten year-old Jewish girl, is arrested by the French police in the middle of the night, along with her mother and father. Desperate to protect her younger brother, she locks him in a cupboard and promises to come back for him as soon as she can. Paris, May 2002: Julia Jarmond, an American journalist, is asked to write about the 60th anniversary of the Vel' d'Hiv'--the infamous day in 1942 when French police rounded up thousands of Jewish men, women and children, in order to send them to concentration camps. Sarah's Key is the poignant story of two families, forever linked and haunted by one of the darkest days in France's past. In this emotionally intense, page-turning novel, Tatiana de Rosnay reveals the guilt brought on by long-buried secrets and the damage that the truth can inflict when they finally come unravelled.
For the Dutchies the backside of the book:
De tienjarige Sarah wordt samen met haar ouders opgepakt en naar het wielerstadion in Parijs gebracht, waarvandaan duizenden joden worden gedeporteerd. Niemand heeft echter gezien dat Sarah haar kleine broertje Michel in een kledingkast opsloot, net voordat de politie het appartement binnendrong, en de sleutel bij zich stak. Zestig jaar later krijgt Julia Jarmond, een Amerikaanse journaliste in Parijs, de opdracht een artikel te schrijven over deze razzia. Ze gaat op zoek in de archieven en via het dossier van Sarah ontdekt zij het goed verborgen geheim van haar schoonfamilie.
For my International followers a summary I got from bol.com:
Paris, July 1942: Sarah, a ten year-old Jewish girl, is arrested by the French police in the middle of the night, along with her mother and father. Desperate to protect her younger brother, she locks him in a cupboard and promises to come back for him as soon as she can. Paris, May 2002: Julia Jarmond, an American journalist, is asked to write about the 60th anniversary of the Vel' d'Hiv'--the infamous day in 1942 when French police rounded up thousands of Jewish men, women and children, in order to send them to concentration camps. Sarah's Key is the poignant story of two families, forever linked and haunted by one of the darkest days in France's past. In this emotionally intense, page-turning novel, Tatiana de Rosnay reveals the guilt brought on by long-buried secrets and the damage that the truth can inflict when they finally come unravelled.
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Short synopsis:
Simon is about the very special friendship between the straight weed dealing Simon and the gay dental student Camiel. During there vacation in Thailand the friendship gets in heavy weather, what leads into the two friends losing contact. When the guys accidentally run into see each other after 14 years, Simon appears to be very ill..
Long synopsis:
In 1988 Camiel got hit by Simon's car. Simon is a big sturdy guy with a very small heart. So Simon brings Camiel to the ER and the special friendship is born. This is because Simon is one big piece of hospitality and thinks Camiel is a funny guy. But mostly because of Camiel, who is fascinated by the sturdy life of Simon. Simon does so many things Camiel doesn't dare doing. Simon has a female (girl)friend Sharon, who is a famous kickboxer and another good friend of Simon is Marco who's full of tattoos and if possible even wilder than Simon.
Treated by Simon goes to Thailand with Simon and the gang. First he's a guest there at the filmset of an American/Vietnam-movie where Simon is a stunt coordinator. After that Simon and Camiel meet up with the rest of the gang on another island. At that island their friendship gets tested and they end up losing contact after the trip.
14 years later Camiel and Simon accidentally run into each other. Simon is very ill, he got cancer. But he's acting really airy about the whole thing just as that he doesn't hang much weight onto their losing contact all those years ago. Camiel who's living together with broker Bram, again get's kind of intrigued with Simon. He starts a good relationship with Simon's 20 year old daughter Joy and her 15 year old brother Nelson.
Camiel and Simon get really close again and they share the difficulties of the cancer taking over Simon's body. The strength and humor of Simon through this hard time of life, will leave a indelible impression on Camiel.
This movie has left me with so many appreciation for the people that have this kind of strength and power to enjoy life to the fullest until the end of their life's. Amazing and a real example!
To get to know more about this movie visit it's website here.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
First mission
Wooh what a movie, it's such an impressive movie. It's about a team of medical helpers driven by ideals and there passioned way of working on a small base of International Frontline doctors in South-America.
Marina the young doctor, logistic worker Barry, project-coordinator Thijs and the local helpers Orlando and Diego work under heavy and dangerous conditions. They risk there own life to save others.
Marina learns that she can make a huge difference in the torn to pieces country.
Very impressive to see how children risk there life for a minute of attention. How just being there is already so important for them, that they risk there life for it.
A very eye-opening movie, that brings up a lot of emotions. You guys should really watch it. First Mission.
Marina the young doctor, logistic worker Barry, project-coordinator Thijs and the local helpers Orlando and Diego work under heavy and dangerous conditions. They risk there own life to save others.
Marina learns that she can make a huge difference in the torn to pieces country.
Very impressive to see how children risk there life for a minute of attention. How just being there is already so important for them, that they risk there life for it.
A very eye-opening movie, that brings up a lot of emotions. You guys should really watch it. First Mission.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Kat von D - The Tattoo Chronicles
I ordered the new book of Kat von D a couple weeks ago and I just finished reading it. It's her diary of a year and it was such a nice book to read. I like diaries, so this one was a good adding to my list. She's so honest and open in this book and I could relate to a lot of things she describes. And off course the stories behind the tattoo's are inspiring and mind opening. I really like the different kind of reasons there are behind these tattoo's. I will here place some information about the book I found on the internet for you to get a more complete idea of the book.
About the book:
Kat Von D's followup to her New York Times bestseller High Voltage Tattoo offers an intimate look at a pivotal year in her personal and professional life through an illustrated diary that begins in spring 2008 and ends in summer 2009. When Kat does a tattoo, she writes about it and draws sketches in a journal, creating an entry for each piece. She has hundreds of ledgers of these entries in her own writing which reflect not only upon the significance of the tattoo for the person who is receiving it (their story), but also how the experience of creating this tattoo affects her personally. In these entries - some poignant, some hilarious, some serious - she lays it on the line about how doing these tattoos affects her life and her art. Here are the highs and the lows, the good, bad, and the ugly - including her feelings about her fame, her family, her boyfriend (Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue), her friends, and fans. Visually stunning, this graphically compelling diary is jam-packed with tons of Kat's sketches, candid photographs, images of a variety of amazing finished tattoos and her many unusual personal collections - all shot by Kat herself. Fans will love the array of clients featured here, including Metallica's Kirk Hammett, guitarist Dave Navarro, and Motorhead's Lemmy Kilmister, as much as they will love seeing new photographs of Kat that were taken specifically for the book. Here's the real Kat Von D - unscripted and uncensored - and her fans are going to go wild for it.
About the book:
Kat Von D's followup to her New York Times bestseller High Voltage Tattoo offers an intimate look at a pivotal year in her personal and professional life through an illustrated diary that begins in spring 2008 and ends in summer 2009. When Kat does a tattoo, she writes about it and draws sketches in a journal, creating an entry for each piece. She has hundreds of ledgers of these entries in her own writing which reflect not only upon the significance of the tattoo for the person who is receiving it (their story), but also how the experience of creating this tattoo affects her personally. In these entries - some poignant, some hilarious, some serious - she lays it on the line about how doing these tattoos affects her life and her art. Here are the highs and the lows, the good, bad, and the ugly - including her feelings about her fame, her family, her boyfriend (Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue), her friends, and fans. Visually stunning, this graphically compelling diary is jam-packed with tons of Kat's sketches, candid photographs, images of a variety of amazing finished tattoos and her many unusual personal collections - all shot by Kat herself. Fans will love the array of clients featured here, including Metallica's Kirk Hammett, guitarist Dave Navarro, and Motorhead's Lemmy Kilmister, as much as they will love seeing new photographs of Kat that were taken specifically for the book. Here's the real Kat Von D - unscripted and uncensored - and her fans are going to go wild for it.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Aloe Blacc
My boyfriend mentioned this song to me and it's just a nice song. I need a Dollar by Aloe Blacc
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Saskia Dommisse
You just have to get lost in these amazing photos by Saskia Domisse. Just sit and stare, it will take you places.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Something Else
This is one piece out of the Higher Than The Sun (Winter 2010) collection of Something Else. I like the clothes, the attitude, the feeling and the posing by the models. You all really should check out there website.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
I want to start keeping a journal. I have a few nice journals/notebooks already lying around, but still always like seeing more of those lovely journals/notebooks.
All these Journal's are available here.
CIAK - eco including raw material
CIAK - Travel Notebook/journal
Graphia - Italian Leather Journal/Notebook
Graphia Journal - Red Italian Leather
Midori Traveler's Notebook
All these Journal's are available here.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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