Lovely pictures, love the vibe. I like the feeling of being alone at the beach.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Black Love
Lately I'm very into the color black. Always had a thing with black. The sealing in my room is black, something that people find weird and thinks make your room dark. But that's completely untrue!!
Besides that I already collected a whole dinner set in black, so in love with it.
And offcourse a big part of my clothes are black.
But lately black took another way in my life, it's the color of this part of my life. And I don't mean that in a very depressed way or something. It's just the color of life right now. And off course it has to do with the fact life is not at it best for me now. Got diagnosed with Rheumatic Arthritis today, so I would be lying by saying life is extremely fun.
But what I wanted to say is that Black don't always have to be a depressed, angry, sad thing. It never has been in my life and I think it never will be. Black is just a part of me.
Besides that I already collected a whole dinner set in black, so in love with it.
And offcourse a big part of my clothes are black.
But lately black took another way in my life, it's the color of this part of my life. And I don't mean that in a very depressed way or something. It's just the color of life right now. And off course it has to do with the fact life is not at it best for me now. Got diagnosed with Rheumatic Arthritis today, so I would be lying by saying life is extremely fun.
But what I wanted to say is that Black don't always have to be a depressed, angry, sad thing. It never has been in my life and I think it never will be. Black is just a part of me.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
In mijn onschuld

Na een nare periode keert Merel van Groningen op haar vijftiende terug naar het internaat waar zij eerder heeft gewoond. Ze is een getraumatiseerde, eenzame tiener die wanhopig op zoek is naar liefde. Die vindt ze bij haar mentor. Hij geeft haar het gevoel dat ze mooi en bijzonder is, en dat ze in ieder geval bij hem een heel speciaal plaatsje in zijn hart heeft. Zo weet hij haar te verleiden tot een geheime relatie. Pas als blijkt dat Merel bepaald niet zijn enige liefde is, begrijpt ze dat hij misbruik heeft gemaakt van haar vertrouwen. Merel moet dan verder leven met een gebroken hart. Dit is haar verhaal.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Lolly Jane Blue - Dogs and Cats concert visual
Just looked at the site of Sil van der Woerd again. And saw this amazing video. The layering is amazing, it all goes together perfectly, really cool.
Some extra info:
A journey through Anouk de Groot's illustrations. Concert visual for the song Dogs and Cats, for Lolly Jane Blue's 2008 concert tour.
Some extra info:
A journey through Anouk de Groot's illustrations. Concert visual for the song Dogs and Cats, for Lolly Jane Blue's 2008 concert tour.
Monday, October 18, 2010
A Braided Beaded Balls Suit
This video is on my igoogle homepage for a few days now. And I now just had to look at it. Because most of the time they place stupid video's there. So it was a pleasant surprise to see this nice video. It's made by Dana Haim and Learke Hooge Andersen
Sunday, October 17, 2010
UXUA Casa Hotel
The hotel UXUA Casa realized by designer Wilbert Das is just a candy to the eye. Here are some pictures and you can visited the website to see yourself.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Yesterday was the Dutch tv premier of the film Mamma mia. It's a feel good movie. At least it is for me. And that has multiple reasons: the location and the atmosphere that's brought with it.
I'm love Greece and his culture. And the movie is shot at one of the greek islands: Skopelos (in the movie called Kalokairi what stands for summer in Greek). The Island is known for the 380 churches and the beautiful nature. A destination that I surely want to visit. And who doesn't when you see these pictures.
I'm love Greece and his culture. And the movie is shot at one of the greek islands: Skopelos (in the movie called Kalokairi what stands for summer in Greek). The Island is known for the 380 churches and the beautiful nature. A destination that I surely want to visit. And who doesn't when you see these pictures.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Mijn leven in de hel, English title: Slave Girl
I read this book a few weeks ago, but it's still in my mind, the story is still fresh.
It's about a english girl that comes to Holland, and get's stuck in the red light district in Amsterdam.
Here what's on the backside of the book (only for the Dutchies sorry, I will look something up in english for my in international followers)
Mijn leven in de hel - Sarah Forsyth
De negentienjarige Sarah Forsyth werkt op een creche in een Engels provinciestandje. Op een dag ziet ze een advertentie: LEIDSTERS GEZOCHT VOOR KINDERDAGVERBLIJF IN AMSTERDAM. Ze is wel toe aan wat avontuur en reageert onmiddellijk.
Na een serieuze sollicitatieprocedure wordt ze aangenomen: het lijkt wel een droom. Die droom verandert in een nachtmerrie op het moment dat Sarah op Schiphol aankomt. De mensen die haar ophalen duwen haar in een auto, nemen onder bedreiging haar paspoort af en rijden regelrecht naar de Amsterdamse Wallen. Daar wordt ze zonder pardon achter het raam gezet. Haar ontvoerders laten er geen misverstand over bestaan: als ze probeert te ontsnappen, zal dat haar dood worden. Anderhalf jaar lang ondergaat Sarah de meest vreselijke vernederingen, tot ze uiteindelijk dankzij puur geluk en een onbewaakt ogenblik de mogelijkheid vindt om te ontsnappen.
Slave Girl - Sarah Forsyth
Sarah Forsyth has spent most of her life in fear. Born in Newcastle in 1976, from the age of three, the very people who were meant to be looking after and protecting her were sexually abusing her. Somehow overcoming the hurt and heartbreak of this horrific childhood, Sarah managed to build a new and happy life for herself as a nursery nurse.
Then, one day, Sarah spotted a newspaper advert for a job in a creche in Amsterdam. Thrilled by the prospect of a fresh start away from Newcastle and all the memories it held, she eagerly signed up. But within minutes of stepping off the plan in Amsterdam her life began to fall apart. There was no creche and no job: Sarah was a victim of sex-trafficking. That night, a just twenty-one years of age, her life - her real life, her life as Sarah Forsyth - ended.
Fed cocaine and cannabis, and forced at gunpoint to work as a prostitute in the Red Light District of Amsterdam, Sarah was turned from a young innocent English girl into a desperate and terrified crack whore. Riddled with fear about what her pimps would do to her if they caught her trying to run away, it took Sarah almost a year to find the strength to fight back and escape. But, unlike many of the girls that she was forced to live and work beside, she did get away. Sarah Forsyth is a survivor. This is her heart-rending story.
It's about a english girl that comes to Holland, and get's stuck in the red light district in Amsterdam.
Here what's on the backside of the book (only for the Dutchies sorry, I will look something up in english for my in international followers)
Mijn leven in de hel - Sarah Forsyth
De negentienjarige Sarah Forsyth werkt op een creche in een Engels provinciestandje. Op een dag ziet ze een advertentie: LEIDSTERS GEZOCHT VOOR KINDERDAGVERBLIJF IN AMSTERDAM. Ze is wel toe aan wat avontuur en reageert onmiddellijk.
Na een serieuze sollicitatieprocedure wordt ze aangenomen: het lijkt wel een droom. Die droom verandert in een nachtmerrie op het moment dat Sarah op Schiphol aankomt. De mensen die haar ophalen duwen haar in een auto, nemen onder bedreiging haar paspoort af en rijden regelrecht naar de Amsterdamse Wallen. Daar wordt ze zonder pardon achter het raam gezet. Haar ontvoerders laten er geen misverstand over bestaan: als ze probeert te ontsnappen, zal dat haar dood worden. Anderhalf jaar lang ondergaat Sarah de meest vreselijke vernederingen, tot ze uiteindelijk dankzij puur geluk en een onbewaakt ogenblik de mogelijkheid vindt om te ontsnappen.
Slave Girl - Sarah Forsyth
Sarah Forsyth has spent most of her life in fear. Born in Newcastle in 1976, from the age of three, the very people who were meant to be looking after and protecting her were sexually abusing her. Somehow overcoming the hurt and heartbreak of this horrific childhood, Sarah managed to build a new and happy life for herself as a nursery nurse.
Then, one day, Sarah spotted a newspaper advert for a job in a creche in Amsterdam. Thrilled by the prospect of a fresh start away from Newcastle and all the memories it held, she eagerly signed up. But within minutes of stepping off the plan in Amsterdam her life began to fall apart. There was no creche and no job: Sarah was a victim of sex-trafficking. That night, a just twenty-one years of age, her life - her real life, her life as Sarah Forsyth - ended.
Fed cocaine and cannabis, and forced at gunpoint to work as a prostitute in the Red Light District of Amsterdam, Sarah was turned from a young innocent English girl into a desperate and terrified crack whore. Riddled with fear about what her pimps would do to her if they caught her trying to run away, it took Sarah almost a year to find the strength to fight back and escape. But, unlike many of the girls that she was forced to live and work beside, she did get away. Sarah Forsyth is a survivor. This is her heart-rending story.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Vanessa Paradis - Marilyn et John
Okey just one more of Vanessa.
Vanessa Paradis - Il y a (clip officiel)
My boyfriend is a big fan of the actor Johnny Depp. And I didn't know who is girlfriend/woman was. So looked it up and there she is Vanessa Paradis. Nice relaxing music, sunday music on a thursday.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Over de streep ( Cross the line)
Cross the line if you never been a child.
Cross the line if you lost one or both of your parents
Cross the line if you been involved with domestic violence.
These are some of the question that were asked to the 3rd year students on a highschool in Amsterdam.
Interesting to see, you have to see it yourself to understand what I mean.
Over de streep
Cross the line if you lost one or both of your parents
Cross the line if you been involved with domestic violence.
These are some of the question that were asked to the 3rd year students on a highschool in Amsterdam.
Interesting to see, you have to see it yourself to understand what I mean.
Over de streep
Monday, October 11, 2010
Ik kan wel huilen ( I could cry)
A very impressive documentary about two girlfriends and there fight against breast cancer.
One of the 2 woman gets diagnosed with breast cancer. They decide to film eachother through the out the process of dealing with breast cancer. A very confronting documentary about the effects of cancer on her body, their life and their friendship. Special!
You can see it here: Ik kan wel huilen
One of the 2 woman gets diagnosed with breast cancer. They decide to film eachother through the out the process of dealing with breast cancer. A very confronting documentary about the effects of cancer on her body, their life and their friendship. Special!
You can see it here: Ik kan wel huilen
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Lolly Jane Blue - Worms - Sil van der Woerd
Another amazing videoclip of Lolly Jane Blue made by Sil van der Woerd.
Some interesting information I found on the Website of Sil van der Woerd:
Winner Best Music Video
Cyprus Film Festival 2008
Winner Best Film
NPS New Arrivals 2007
Nominated for
Kosmopolis Hero Award 2008
Some interesting information I found on the Website of Sil van der Woerd:
This music video shows singer Lolly Jane Blue on her way down the earth layers; a journey leading to a climactic underwater ballet.
Awards / Nominations
Winner Best Music Video
Cyprus Film Festival 2008
Winner Best Film
NPS New Arrivals 2007
Nominated for
Kosmopolis Hero Award 2008
Lolly Jane Blue - White Swan
My boyfriend is studying animation. And he showed me this amazing piece of art by Sil van der Woerd. It's the videoclip for Lolly Jane Blue's song White Swan. He made more videoclips for the band and there just amazing. His work is just amazing. You will probably see more work of him and/or Lolly Jane Blue on my blog in the future.
Some interesting information I found on the website of Sil van der Woerd:
An exhausted, shivering girl is captured in a dark machinery world. As she escapes into her imagination a mesmerizing world unfolds.
Winner Best Music Video
& Winner Best Music Performer
I've Seen Film Festival 2010
Winner Best Music Video
HDFest Event 2009
Winner Special Jury Prize, World Cinema Music Video
Amsterdam Film Festival 2010
2nd Prize Best Dutch Music Video
Shoot Me Film Festival 2009
Some interesting information I found on the website of Sil van der Woerd:
An exhausted, shivering girl is captured in a dark machinery world. As she escapes into her imagination a mesmerizing world unfolds.
Awards / Nominations
Winner Best Music Video
& Winner Best Music Performer
I've Seen Film Festival 2010
Winner Best Music Video
HDFest Event 2009
Winner Special Jury Prize, World Cinema Music Video
Amsterdam Film Festival 2010
2nd Prize Best Dutch Music Video
Shoot Me Film Festival 2009
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Like you probably already noticed from my background I love Poppies.
There just beautiful in how the look, move and what they symbolize.
I found a very special poppy tattoo on the internet.
I was looking for how people and if people get poppies tat's.
And the answer is yes but most of them I don't like at all.
Except for this one this one I like.
There just beautiful in how the look, move and what they symbolize.
I found a very special poppy tattoo on the internet.
I was looking for how people and if people get poppies tat's.
And the answer is yes but most of them I don't like at all.
Except for this one this one I like.
Tattoo: Shannon Archuleta
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Holland Doc: Ex-Moeder (Ex-mother/mom)
This documentary is about a daughter filming her life with her mother.
Her mother is a drugs addict and have been for a lot of years already.
She now decided to film whats she goes through in her daily life.
It's about saving her mother from drugs but also saving her self from a drugs addicted mother.
She shares her feelings, emotions, moments of frustrations and so much more.
It's emotional, heart breaking and confusing. And that's exactly what makes this documentary so good and inspiring.
If you want to see the documentary, check it out here: Ex-Moeder
Her mother is a drugs addict and have been for a lot of years already.
She now decided to film whats she goes through in her daily life.
It's about saving her mother from drugs but also saving her self from a drugs addicted mother.
She shares her feelings, emotions, moments of frustrations and so much more.
It's emotional, heart breaking and confusing. And that's exactly what makes this documentary so good and inspiring.
If you want to see the documentary, check it out here: Ex-Moeder
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
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